
adventures in awesomeness…

Vodka and Toast.

Day Twelve of Twenty.

It’s Sunday so of course we go out drinking. We head up to Bar Kohl for a sampling of their 54 flavors of vodka. Yum. We did the math and we had 7 shots, 2 1/2 beers, and a Smirnoff Ice… each. Jesus Christ on the cross. I guess that is how you end up running through the streets of Edinburgh with the sun coming up, peeing in the streets, playing doorbell ditch, taking photos of Greyfriars Bobby, eating toast, and sending improper emails.

Day Twelve of Twenty. It’s official. My bangs are out of control. And so is my drinking.


Recording Night With the Ladies!

Tonight was girl night number #3 at Adelle’s… this time without the babies. After catching each other up on the current events of our life we ate some fajitas and snapped a bunch of rocking photos:

Jess & Liz striking hottness with the Doctor P.

B.A.N.G.S. (hahaha.. except two of us are without them!)

Then we got down to business recording some new music. We worked for a while on the lyrics to my song “Eff the Pants” but when Adelle started strumming this other tune.. we were hooked! We banged out some lyrics and then started singing. We recorded old school (yes, with a tape deck and boom box) for most of the night before we found out that we could record on my Mp3 player. Say whaa? We took three takes and here is our current favorite in its rawest form. Enjoy!!

Lately <<click here for song>>
by D., jessielah, and e. gates

Your touch makes me tremble
Snuggling with you, like my blankie
Holding you close, cheek to cheek
Your soft voice and shy smile
Your eyes see my soul when you undress me.
Your touch makes me tremble… lately.