
adventures in awesomeness…

I Only Say These Words…

on May 13, 2014

So this started out because Matt & I were arguing over something about whether Fur Elise was in  tempo. It went from there to student loan debt (which I have a lot of) to a new baby Bazel crying to listening to the stuff we wrote together (really good except for how nasally I sound) to listening to the song Matt wrote me after our second date.

I played that song for my dad and he was like… “This song is not about you.”

It was radio quality… but it’s like a fat girl hearing a song on the radio and like the guy who’s trying to bang her behind the shed sings a line or two in her ear to get her pannies off and then she’s all “This song is for me!’

And my embarrassed Dad is all… “Um, honey, you have an extremely common name…” All the while she is insisting that this song is for HER.

That song was for me. Three terrible babies later.


$5 Merlot + deep french kiss + pre-made bottle = Husband will feed baby at 11:39pm so you can write blog post and edit book that should have been finished years ago.

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